LPOW Forehead Digital thermometer for Babies,Kids & Adults. #1⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️. LPOW forehead digital thermometer has an advanced high sensitivity sensor, which can precisely detect the infrared heat given off by the forehead and quickly measure to get the reading in 1 second. An accurate Infrared temperature measuring element, which can measure the human body, or an object's temperature based on the infrared energy emitted by the forehead or an object (such as milk and water), the temperature will be displayed on the LED screen. So, you have no touch with others when measuring temperature and ensuring accurate measurement results. It has a power-saving LCD display with green / yellow with red three-color fever alarm Accurate and fast: This Infrared forehead thermometer is equipped with exceptional microchip and a sensitivity sensor. Infrared senor can precisely detecting the infrared heat given off by the forehead and quickly measuring to get the reading in 1 second Engineered technology: The non contact infrared body thermometer is design to minimize the errors in the software program by following sound and light enginnering design processes, risk analysis and soft ware validation No touch forehead 1-5cm: The measuring distance between the thermometer and the forehead must be 1-5 cm. Non-contact thermometer is more convenient than standard thermometer and touch thermometer 50 readings memory storages: Our thermometer can memory 50 readings to continusly track your family member's tempreature. Which can handle it in advance if your family members' temperature is slightly high Multiple measurement modes: Thermometers can not only measure body temperature, but also measure the temperature of objects. It is suitable for all ages. Press and hold the set button for 3 seconds, then press the "memo" or the "mode" to switch ℃ and ℉ Made for Whole Family:Infrared senor can precisely detecting the infrared heat given off by the forehead . Testing fidgeting baby and children becomes a breeze.